Monday, January 2, 2012

Today For Me, Tomorrow For You

     Yes, "Rent" fans, I know I got that a little mixed up lol.  Yesterday, I wrote about some of the things I wanted to do for me in the new year.  Today, thought I would focus a bit on what I want for the world.
1. peace (that's a gimme)
2. Justin Beiber to disappear off the face of the Earth (that would be a public service trust me)
3. to see all the "faith fanatics" disappear off the face of the Earth-fundamentalist christians, that includes you too (yeah, I know, it ain't gonna happen)
4. Robert Downey Jr to pose nude (don't know about the rest of the world, but it sure would do ME a lot of good)
5. to see all the bat-shit crazy, completely out of touch, money grubbing, corporitist, rich worshiping, war-loving neocon scumbags drummed out of congress
6. along those same lines, to have Newt Gingrich shipped off to a concentration camp (the congress just voted to allow the military to detain US citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if it is good enough for the rest of us it sure is good enough for Newt.)  Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Michelle Bachman, Dick Cheney, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdock and all those assholes at Fox News can join him.
7.  America to wake up and join the rest of the civilized world in giving its citizens nationalized health care
8. a REAL progressive to run for president
9. for somebody to finish what FDR started and actually create a real social safety net for our citizens
10. for the rich to pay their fair share in taxes
11.for the poor to get a break for once
12. laws to stop corporations from buying our congress
13. laws that really protect the environment and the public from greedy corporations who abuse their employees,  rip off consumers and poison the populace just so they can make a few more bucks
14. laws that keep religious nuts out of people's wombs and their bedrooms, that give consenting adults the right to decide how many kids they will have and when and allow them to marry whoever the fuck they choose
15. and while I am dreaming, get rid of all those crappy, idiotic reality and religious shows.  Maybe we could give a show to somebody like Richard Dawkins instead so that the american people could learn about science and facts instead of abusing your body for cash, debating whether or not Kim Kardashian's ass is real and how the big, invisible sky daddy wants you to send more money to Pat Robertson.
                             Guess my list is somewhat like his

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