Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Stepped In It This Time

     I log into my church facebook this morning (I have two, one for church people and one for my friends and family), and I see a post from someone complaining about other church members cursing.  Fine, no problem there.  It goes beyond that though.  She gets into this exchange with pastor in which she offers to name names, tattle on all the church members on her buddy list she saw cursing, and...get this...HE TAKES HER UP ON IT!!!   so she is going to email him, tell on everyone she saw cursing. 
     That's it, I swear.  If Linda didn't still go to that church, I would be sooo out of there.  It's getting pretty darn bad when you get church members tattling on each other every time someone does something they don't approve of.   This isn't Nazi Germany!
     I couldn't shut up this time.  I am getting old enough now that I really don't much care what people think anymore.  I didn't directly refer to the post in question, but I told everyone that I would no longer be posting there because I refused to have everything I say judged and critisized.  Will be interested to see if anyone picks up on the fact that I was talking about them, and what they will say about it.  Already had one FORMER church member message me with her support.  And so it begins.

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