Monday, August 25, 2014

Men Stink-Or Do They?

     while reading a book about Charlie Chaplin, I was struck by the complete love/disapproval feeling I have for him.  He was a brilliant film maker; I admire his political views, his fight for the little guy so much, and I really feel his heart was in the right place, but his penchant for very young women totally turns me off as it verged on pedophilia at times, in my opinion.
     Comparing him to people like John Lennon, Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton I have to ask, "are all men, no matter how honorable they are in their public life, no matter how many wonderful things they try to do for others, utter horndogs in private?"  weiner was one of the only true liberal voices in congress.  the work he did for the poor was so important.  he KNEW what would happen in this tight-assed, puritan climate if he was caught, so how in the hell could he risk it all just to talk dirty to women on the interet!?  and they ALL seem to do this.  nothing seems to be as vital as getting that all-important orgasm.  just don't get it.  explains the love/hate relationship I have with men overall.

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