Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's A New Life For Me, And I'm Feeling Good

     Looking at my physical symptoms along with my general crabbiness, I am pmsing, but despite all that, I feel pretty good overall, better than I have in a long time.  maybe it is the slight improvement in the financial situation, but something seems to have changed.  I just need to work on my pms-induced lack of ambition, and get the things done that I need to do lol.
     The important thing is that I am shedding all the negativity, the pain, the fear, the anger that has kept me frozen in place.  It's a new day, a new me.  I feel ready to move forward.  all those in my life who wish to join me, I welcome it.  goodbye to anyone and anything that tries to keep me down or hold me back though.  If NO ONE comes with me, I can and WILL make it on my own.  "The cold never bothered me anyway."

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