Saturday, January 18, 2014

Welcome To Wonderland Where Nothing Is As It Seems

     I have felt a bit depressed and lost since Wednesday at least, teetering on the edge between love and giving up on humanity entirely as I often do when I am pmsing, but now there is something added to the mix.  I also harbor doubts about my church during these hormonal times. this is infinitely worse though.  I have been faced with what horrible, hateful, selfish, bigots the fundamentalist christian is anew and in addition, the pastor I expressed doubts about here at least a year ago has been apparently exposed for the shyster he is and been drummed out of the church!  god!  never thought I would see the day.  Am glad for the house cleaning, but the reaction of the church is deplorable.  as usual, there is a complete gag order.  don't people have a right to know WHY their preacher is gone?  of course not-let's sweep it all under the rug so he can go do it somewhere else.  am just done.  my daughter wants to go back though so she can see what has happened to the church she has attended since she was five.
     It's kind of sad really.  when this guy was merely a VISITING preacher and hadn't shown his true colors, I LIKED him so much.  His sermons were positive; he was funny, and he SEEMED nice.  What a disillusionment.  just like all the rest.  so yeah, today I feel betrayed by the entire human race.  oh, and did I mention that linda told Jeanne and not me, and that jeanne was the one I heard it from?  yeah, people suck and just let you down.

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