Thursday, December 8, 2011

People Suck-Discuss

     A lot going on the last few days.  My son's birthday was on December 4th.  It was very nice.  I went to church in the morning, then I came home in the afternoon, made his cake, and prepared his favorite meal for his birthday dinner (barbeque herbed meatloaf).  We all played games together afterward.   It was a peaceful oasis at the beginning of a week that has illustrated over and over the adage that "People are just no damn good." 
     Monday at the food pantry, one of the volunteers had an absolute hissy fit because someone parked in the wrong place.  He shut down the pantry and said they weren't going to give out any more food until whoever owned the vehicle moved it.  Basically, he made people who already felt bad enough for being so poor they had to stand in a food line feel even worse.  He must have called us "you people" at least two or three times.  It was disgusting.  But then that is how the poor are viewed in this country these days.  If you have no money, you are a lazy, stupid scumbag.  I think it crosses all economic lines myself.  Most people are jerks, period.
     Tuesday, when my H went to work he found a library delivery with my name on it that had been ripped open.  Apparently, someone saw a CD I had ordered from the library outside our door and stole it.  To make matters worse, the library was actually going to try and make us pay for it.  The librarian said that it had been delivered, and that once it had been delivered it was our responsibility.  The only way I got her to do the right thing was to be just as much of a bitch as she was.  I ranted and raved, then finally, I made her connect me to someone above her head.  I explained the situation, and that lady was very nice.  She took it off my card and changed deliveries so that they would now come to our library branch instead of our house.  Still, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person steals a library delivery-seriously!
     If all this wasn't enough, Wednesday our cable was shut off because our apartment complex found out that people are stealing cable and mistakenly thought we were one of them.  We were without cable for 24 hours.  Grrr!   Does it ever end?  If not for my kids and my friends, I would end up in a tower with an ak-47!

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