Monday, January 19, 2015

I Gotta Be Me...

 I have written a note like this at least once before, but I feel I am delving a bit deeper now, so maybe there is something valid here. Totally Random-I was thinking about how unhappy I've been lately and trying to determine exactly what I need to do to change that. Naturally, that led me to thoughts about the art i always turn to in times of good AND bad.  I love music, films and books so much.  I've written before about how I've always been a bit hesitant to talk about that a great deal because people don't seem to understand.  I have been accused of living in a dream world, of just sitting around, not being out in the world but watching it go by, that I waste time by investing myself in things that aren't "real."  
     First of all, can you blame someone for wanting to immerse themselves in art when day to day life is admittedly pretty dull, and a lot of people are selfish and stupid (ok, my inner sherlock coming out lol)?  secondly, my love of art would only be unhealthy if I began to believe it to be real instead of the world around me. my grasp of reality is fine, thank you. I DO need to get out more though, and I will.
     But back to art.  I need to stop making excuses for myself to appease others.  everybody has things that make them happy, give them pleasure, and they are as different as every person is.  if it doesn't harm you or anyone else, go for it.  So I give myself permission to indulge my passion without guilt.  and when I make money at it (either writing, music, or reviewing film) then maybe they will acknowledge that my love of the arts isn't a waste of time.  what now bitches lol?