Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life Imitates Art

     Was watching the season premiere of The Big Bang Theory last night, and episode 2 depicted an issue between Bernadette and Penny in which Amy got caught in the middle.  Both Bernie and Penny would call her to complain about the other.  Amy actually loved it.  she saw it as an opportunity to bond with her friends (you know, the whole 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' idea turned on its head).  she also felt it made her more popular as she was the one the other two WEREN'T arguing with. She would agree with BOTH  of them just to get closer to each in turn.
     I could only shake my head and laugh, as I am in a similar situation.  my two closest friends do this all the time, although one of them does it more than the other.  she just called me yesterday afternoon to vent about all her frustrations with our other friend.  I confess that I myself have pulled an Amy a few times in that I get sucked into all of it and participate.  unlike amy though, I honestly DO agree with both of their points of view to some extent and have legitimate gripes of my own which I unfortunately have given in to the urge to articulate.  that has gotten me in trouble a couple of times in the past because the friend who complains the most told the other.  am sure she did it to open up dialogue between us all so we could work things out, but sometimes no amount of talking will fix the problem,sometimes you just want to vent, get it off your chest and move on.  
     Lately I have been noncommital; I sympathize but don't really participate.  I want to avoid the negativity in my life.  I want to be a better, more moral, simply NICER person, and again, no amount of talking will fix the issues with these people.  they are who they are and they won't change.  I have just emotionally distanced myself for the most part.  it's a little lonely, but until I find new friends, I just have to accept these people with their faults (as they do mine I'm sure) and protect my heart.  not the way I want it but what ya gonna do?  only my oldest, childhood friends never really hurt me seriously and always had my back. we had issues from time to time, but nothing we couldn't work out.  god I wish you all were here. love you guys, sharon haus, chastity cline, teresa carter, Tammy Skidmore, leah harris, jennifer thurman, briana peck, sherry adams, robert talkington, lori haley, robin thurston, robin haus and anyone else I may have forgotten at the moment. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Baby Steps Or Two Steps Forward And One Step Back

I haven't written much here recently because there really hasn't been much new to say.  It's been quiet and I haven't been doing much deep thinking either.  I hate it because that means I haven't gotten a whole lot accomplished.  I only exercised once or twice.  I didn't really do any writing or much reading.  I need to go easy on myself though because I DID sort through some things in my house, and I took better care of myself in other ways.  I have been taking my meds like I should along with vitamins.  I even put on earings yesterday for the first time in ages.  Just need to get back to exercising. That is my main priority.  I can do a lot more things I want to do if I don't hurt all the time, and am in better shape. wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Do I have ADHD?

                                              I tend to flit from one thing to another.  I seem to never finish anything because I get bored and move on to something totally different from what I started with.  I will pick a tv show I want to watch than usually quit before I get through the whole thing.  I will pick out a director or actor in which I want to watch all their work, then I quit.  I have had ideas for several writing projects and then I don't finish them.  I have 3 novels I am working on, and I have recently had ideas for two more!  grrr!!! JUST FINISH SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!!!